
Своя рубашка ближе к телу
In the first place one takes care of himself and his own family. See Всякая сосна своему бору шумит (B), К своему рту ложка ближе (K)
Cf: Charity begins at home (Am., Br.). Close sits my shirt, but closer my skin (Am., В г.). Every one rakes the fire under his own pot (Br.). The laundress washes her own smock first (Am.). Mind other men, but most yourself (Br.). Near is my coat, but nearer is my shirt (Br.). Number one is the first house in the row (Br.). Self comes first (Br.). Self loves itself best (Am., Br.). The shirt is nearer than the coat (Am.)

Русско-английский словарь пословиц и поговорок. . 2013.