
С лица не воду пить
A beauti ful appearance of a person is not so sig nificant as the innermost goodness. See Красота до венца, а ум до конца (K), Не ищи красоты, ищи доброты (H)
Var.: Не с лица воду пить /, можно с некрасивой жить/
Cf: Beauty dies and fades away but ugly holds its own (Br.). Beauty is a fading flower (Am.). Beauty is only skin deep (Am., Br.). Beauty is only skin-deep; goodness goes to the bone (Am.). Beauty lasts only a day; ugly holds its own (Am.). Looks are not enough (Br.). Looks are not everything (Am.). Prettiness dies first (Br.). Pret-tiness dies quickly (Am.)

Русско-английский словарь пословиц и поговорок. . 2013.