
Khasav-Yurt Accord
   Signed on 30 August 1996, the Khasav-Yurt Accord produced a cease-fire marking the end of the first Chechen War. During the meeting in the Dagestan town of Khasavyurt, the federal representative, General Aleksandr Lebed, and Aslan Maskhadov, who represented the breakaway Chechen Republic of Ichkeriya, agreed to the mutual withdrawal of troops from the Chechen capital of Grozny; there was also a commitment that federal troops would vacate the entirety of Chechnya by the end of the year. Delineation of the relationship between Ichkeriya and Moscow would be delayed for five years. Shamil Basayev’s incursion into Dagestan in 1999, however, triggered the second Chechen War, resulting in the restoration of federal authority over the region.
   See also Dudayev, Jokhar.

Historical Dictionary of the Russian Federation. . 2010.