
1. adjective /ɛk.spɹɛs/
a) Moving or operating quickly, as a train not making local stops.

I gave him express instructions not to begin until I arrived, but he ignored me.

b) Specific or precise.

In my eyes it bore a livelier image of the spirit, it seemed more express and single, than the imperfect and divided countenance.

Syn: explicit, fast, crack
Ant: implied
2. noun /ɛk.spɹɛs/
A mode of transportation, often a train, that travels quickly or directly.

I took the express into town.

Syn: fast train
Ant: local, stopper
3. verb /ɛk.spɹɛs/
a) To convey or communicate; to make known or explicit.

Words cannot express the love I feel for him.

b) To press, squeeze out (especially said of milk).

The people of his island of Rokovoko, it seems, at their wedding feasts express the fragrant water of young cocoanuts into a large stained calabash like a punchbowl [...].

See Also: expressible, expressibly, expression, expressive, expressively, expressly

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