
1. noun /ˈænəməl/
a) In scientific usage, a multicellular organism that is usually mobile, whose cells are not encased in a rigid cell wall (distinguishing it from plants and fungi) and which derives energy solely from the consumption of other organisms (distinguishing it from plants).

A cat is an animal, not a plant.

b) In non-scientific usage, any member of the kingdom Animalia other than a human being.

Humans are also animals, under the scientific definition, as we are not plants.

Syn: beast, creature, brute, monster, savage
See Also: anima, animus, animate, Animalia
2. adjective /ˈænəməl/
a) Of or relating to animals.

animal instincts

b) Raw, base, unhindered by social codes.

animal passions

Syn: beastly, bestial, animalistic, untamed, wild

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