
1. noun
a) A simple machine, a helical inclined plane.

have a good screw

b) A (usually) metal fastener consisting of a shank partially or completely threaded shank, sometimes with a threaded point, and a head used to both hold the top material and to drive the screw either directly into a soft material or into a prepared hole.

A certain amount of "screw" is as necessary for a man as for a billiard-ball.

2. verb
a) To connect or assemble pieces using a screw.

Screw that!

b) To have sexual intercourse with.

I had been calling Nobs in the meantime and was about to set out in search of him, fearing, to tell the truth, to do so lest I find him mangled and dead among the trees of the acacia grove, when he suddenly emerged from among the boles, his ears flattened, his tail between his legs and his body screwed into a suppliant S. He was unharmed except for minor bruises; but he was the most chastened dog I have ever seen.

Syn: fuck, root, shag
Ant: unscrew

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