oxid - perf
- oxidation
- oxidation characteristic, oxidability, oxidation susceptibility
- oxide
- oxidize
- oxygen
- packing
- packing coke
- packing coke (fine) bin
- packing coke (fine) bin
- packing density (of aggregate)
- packing density (of aggregate)
- packing density of dry aggregate (vibrated bulk density, VBD)
- packing density of dry aggregate (vibrated bulk density, VBD)
- packing materials
- pad
- padding (coke) / covering material
- padding (coke) / covering material
- paddle flowmeter
- part-potlines
- particle/grain size / granulometric composition/distribution
- particle/grain size distribution curve
- particulate fluoride emissions
- particulate materials
- pass an electric current (through electrolyte)
- pass an electric current (through electrolyte)
- passage of an electric current
- paste
- Paste Plant / Green Anode Plant
- patent clearance
- paved road / walkway
- pencil pitch