
A bond that is (1) underwritten by an international syndicate, (2) offered at issuance simultaneously to investors in a number of countries, and (3) issued outside the jurisdiction of any single country. The New York Times Financial Glossary
A bond that is (1) underwritten ( underwrite) by an international syndicate, (2) issued simultaneously to investors in a number of countries, and (3) issued outside the jurisdiction of any single country. Eurobonds are often bearer bonds. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary
A bond issued outside of the country in whose currency it is denominated. For example, a Eurobond denominated in US dollars is issued outside of the USA. Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein financial glossary
Originally, a bond issued by a debtor outside its own country that may be denominated in a currency foreign to the debtor or to the purchaser, or both. Euroclear Clearing and Settlement glossary
An interest-bearing security issued across national borders, often in a currency other than that of the issuer's home country. London Stock Exchange Glossary

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Eurobond Eu‧ro‧bond [ˈjʊərəʊbɒnd ǁ ˈjʊroʊbɑːnd] noun [countable] FINANCE
a bond made available and sold in a currency outside the country of origin of that currency:

• It became the first Russian company to tap the international debt markets by issuing a $150 million Eurobond.

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Eurobond UK US /ˈjʊərəʊbɒnd/ noun [C] (also global bond) FINANCE
an international bond that a government or large company sells to investors in a foreign currency for a fixed period: »

The main currencies of Eurobonds are US dollars and Japanese yen.


The controversial proposals to tax investments by non-residents could be damaging to the Eurobond markets.

Financial and business terms. 2012.