
Ownership of a corporation which is represented by shares which represent a piece of the corporation's assets and earnings. The New York Times Financial Glossary

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I. stock stock 1 [stɒk ǁ stɑːk] noun
1. [countable, uncountable] especially AmE FINANCE one of the shares into which ownership of a company is divided, or these shares considered together:

• The company might issue (= make available and sell ) stock in order to pay down debt.

• Investors are likely to earn superior returns if they hold (= own ) stock for five years or longer.

• More than 100 companies have filed plans to sell stock to the public for the first time.

• The company sold a block of stock (= a large quantity of shares, usually more than 10,000 ) in the Hong Kong firm to unknown investors.

Stock prices were up in heavy trading.

2. ( Class) A/​B/​C stock FINANCE different classes of a company's stock. Each class has different characteristics, for example the right to vote at shareholders' meetings:

• The Class B stock carries 10 times the votes of the Class A common stock.

ˌactive ˈstock [countable, uncountable] FINANCE
a stock that is being actively bought and sold:

• Check out the most active stock options.

adˈvancing ˌstocks [plural] FINANCE
stocks that increase in value on a particular day of trading on a stockmarket; =ADVANCERS:

• Advancing stocks led those retreating 291 to 269.

ˌauthorized ˈstock also authorised stock [uncountable] FINANCE
the largest amount of capital a company is allowed to have in the form of shares; = AUTHORIZED CAPITAL; AUTHORIZED ISSUE:

• To finance the expansion programme, the company doubled its authorised stock from 5 billion to 10 billion pesos.

baˈrometer ˌstock [countable, uncountable] FINANCE
shares in certain important companies whose performance gives an idea of the condition of the stockmarket as a whole
ˈbearer stock [countable, uncountable] FINANCE
shares that are owned by the person who possesses the documents related to them, even though their name might not be recorded on an official list:

• Stock can be issued in the form of registered stock or bearer stock.

ˌBig ˈBoard stock [countable, uncountable] FINANCE
stock that is traded on the New York Stock Exchange:

• Some analysts fear the Big Board stock will be expensive based on common valuation measures.

ˌblue ˈchip ˌstock also blue-chip stock [countable, uncountable] FINANCE
stock in a well-managed company with a large amount of paid-up capital and a long record of paying profits to Shareholders during good and bad economic conditions; =BLUE-CHIP SHARE:

• For more than 50 years, I have bought blue-chip stocks that pay a 5% dividend.

ˈbonus stock [countable, uncountable] FINANCE
new shares given out instead of money to people already owning shares in a company as their share of the profits made by the company
ˈcapital stock [uncountable]
FINANCE the amount of capital a company has from investors who have bought shares; = SHARE CAPITAL:

• Figures show a capital stock that has increased gently but persistently.

ˌclassified ˌcommon ˈstock [countable, uncountable] FINANCE
stock that has been divided into classes, usually Class A whose holders have no right to vote and Class B whose holders have a right to vote
ˌcommon ˈstock [countable, uncountable] FINANCE
the most frequent type of stock in most companies. If the company is in financial difficulty, dividend S on common stock are made only after those made on some other types of stock, such as preference stock:

• Total corporate pension investments in common stocks has remained constant at about 46%.

• Corporations issued a record $56 billion of common stock.

conˈsolidated ˌstock [uncountable] FINANCE
British government bonds or Securities that have no fixed date for repayment and so will continue to pay interest; = CONSOLS
conˌvertible ˈloan ˌstock [countable, uncountable] FINANCE
a loan to a company in the form of bonds that can later be exchanged for shares under certain conditions
conˈvertible ˌstock [uncountable] FINANCE
one type of a company's stock that may be exchanged for another under certain conditions
ˌcumulative preˈferred ˌstock [uncountable] FINANCE
a class of preference stock where if the company does not pay dividend S in some years, the amount of these dividends is paid in later years, and not lost to the stockholder:

• The oil company said that it deferred payment of cash dividends on its $15.75 cumulative preferred stock, due Sept. 1.

ˈcyclical ˌstock [countable] FINANCE
stock in companies whose performance is most affected by the rate of growth, or lack of it, in the economy as a whole:

• Cyclical stocks such as the chemical, steel, and machine building sectors continue to suffer from the weak global economy.

deˈbenture ˌstock [countable, uncountable] FINANCE
a type of stock that pays interest rather than dividend S; = DEBENTURE
deˈclining ˌstocks [plural] FINANCE
stocks that fall in value on a particular day of trading on a stockmarket; =DECLINERs:

• Declining stocks outpaced advancing issues on the New York Stock Exchange.

deˈfensive ˌstock [countable] FINANCE
stock in companies that people think will still make good profits even if economic growth is low:

• Weakening in Japan's industrial output made investors focus on defensive stocks such as pharmaceutical and food companies.

diˈluted ˌstock [uncountable] FINANCE
all the stock of a company considered together, especially after a share issue (= when new shares are made available and sold), and dividend S are spread over a larger number of shares:

• The public currently owns about 18% of the firm'sfully diluted stock.

Exˈchequer ˌstock [countable] FINANCE
a British government bond that receives a particular rate of interest paid twice a year, and must be sold back to the borrower on a particular date
ˈglamour ˌstocks also glamor stocks [plural] FINANCE
stocks in companies that investors are attracted to, for example because of their high growth rate, but that may fall in value quickly:

• Glamour stocks have been bid up too high by unrealistic expectations.

ˈgrowth ˌstock [countable] FINANCE
a stock that increases in value quickly:

• Growth stocks tend to reinvest their profits rather than pay them out to shareholders.

ˈincome ˌstock [countable, uncountable] FINANCE
stock that pays a high dividend rather than increases in its value:

• A first year's yield of around 20 percent makes the investment an attractive income stock.

ˌlarge-ˈcap ˌstock also ˌlarge-capitaliˈzation ˌstock [countable] FINANCE
a stock in a company with a large amount of share capital (= total share value); = LARGE-CAP:

• I think secondary stocks will continue to outperform the large-cap stocks.

ˈlisted ˌstock [countable] FINANCE
a stock in a company that is traded on a particular stockmarket, or on a country's main stockmarket:

• We pride ourselves on getting our clients good listed stocks at competitive prices.

ˈloan stock [uncountable] FINANCE
stock which pays interest rather than dividend S
ˌmid-ˈcap ˌstock or ˌmid capitaliˈzation ˌstock also mid capitalisation stock [countable] FINANCE
a stock in a company with a medium amount of share capital (= total share value); = MID-CAP
ˈnew stock also ˌnewly-ˈissued ˌstock [countable, uncountable] FINANCE
a company's stock that has just been made available for sale, or just sold for the first time, rather than stock that already exists:

• Fees earned by investment banks for underwriting new stocks and bonds jumped to $10 billion last year.

• It still isn't clear where the firm's newly-issued stock will trade.

non-ˈvoting ˌstock also nonvoting stock [uncountable] FINANCE
a type of stock that does not give holders the right to vote at shareholders' meetings:

• Some investors oppose all nonvoting stock because you end up with nonresponsive management.

no-ˈpar ˌstock also no-ˈpar-value ˌstock [uncountable] FINANCE
in the US, stock that does not have a particular value attached to it when it is Issued (= first sold)
ˈordinary stock [countable, uncountable] especially BrE FINANCE
another name for common stock
outˈstanding ˌstock [uncountable] FINANCE
all of a company's stock that currently exists and is held by shareholders:

• The company said it would undertake a share buyback programme, accounting for about 10% of its outstanding stock.

ˌover-the-ˈcounter ˌstock abbreviation OTC stock [countable, uncountable] FINANCE
stock in a newer or smaller company that is not bought and sold through dealers on the main stockmarket but on a computer-based market such as Nasdaq:

• In the Nasdaq trading system, traders buy and sell over-the-counter stocks on electronic screens.

ˌpartly-ˈpaid ˌstock [countable, uncountable] FINANCE
stock that has been partly paid for, rather than a Fully-Paid Stock:

• The shares have surprised investors since the partly-paid stock was first quoted at 100p a year ago.

ˈpenny ˌstock [countable] FINANCE
a stock that is only worth a few cents or pence, perhaps in a company whose performance has been bad recently but that may improve, or in a new relatively unknown company
ˈpreference ˌstock also preˈferred ˌstock [countable, uncountable] FINANCE
stock on which, if a company is in financial difficulty, dividend S may still be paid even if they are not paid on ordinary shares. Dividends on preference stock are usually in the form of fixed interest payments:

• The company's preferred stock will pay an initial dividend rate of 6% that will rise to 14% in the fourth year.

ˈquoted ˌstock [countable, uncountable] FINANCE
another name for listed stock:

• The Warsaw Stock Exchange now has 88 quoted stocks.

ˌred ˈchip ˌstock also red-chip stock [countable] FINANCE
stock in a Chinese company that is listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange; = RED CHIP SHARE
reˈdeemable ˌstock [uncountable] FINANCE
a class of stock that a company agrees to buy back from its holders under certain conditions:

• Any risk can be spread by investing in redeemable stock or land or plant.

ˈregistered ˌstock
1. [countable, uncountable] FINANCE stock where ownership is recorded on a list, and which is not always shown on share certificate S:

• If your stock is held in bearer form, you might find that settlement is quicker if you switch the holding into registered stock.

2. [countable, uncountable] FINANCE used to talk about the stockmarket where a particular stock is traded:

• The bank's London-registered stock was up 17.5 to £14.76.

ˌsecond-ˈtier ˌstock [countable, uncountable] FINANCE
shares in companies that are not bought and sold on the main stockmarket in a particular place:

• The Credit Suisse stock index, measuring mainly second-tier Swiss stocks, was up 0.3%.

ˈsleeper ˌstock [countable, uncountable] FINANCE
a small stock that has not been performing particularly well, but that may do well in the future; = SLEEPER:

• He looks for sleeper stocks seeming to have little downside risk and prefers stocks that trade at low multiples to their earnings.

ˈsmall ˌstock also ˌsmall ˈcap ˌstock, ˌsmall capitaliˈzation ˌstock [countable, uncountable] FINANCE
a stock in a company with a small amount of share capital (= total share value); = SMALL-CAP:

• Small stocks have underperformed larger stocks for the past six years.

ˈsplit ˌstock [uncountable] FINANCE
stock that has been divided into smaller units. This is done to reduce the share price and make the stock easier to buy and sell, and does not affect the value of the company to shareholders:

• The company's three for two split stock start trading May 17th.

underˈlying ˌstock [countable, uncountable] FINANCE
the actual stock related to option S (= the right to buy shares at a particular price within a particular period of time) or other derivative S such as Futures:

• Put options gain in price when the underlying stocks decline in value.

unˈlisted ˌstock also unˈquoted ˌstock [countable, uncountable] FINANCE
one of the stocks that is not traded on a main stockmarket, but rather on the over-the-counter market (= computer-based trading in shares of newer and smaller companies):

• Unlisted stocks were unable to match the gains posted by New York Stock Exchange issues yesterday.

ˈvalue ˌstock [countable, uncountable] FINANCE
a stock that seems cheap in relation to the profits, earnings etc of the company
ˈvolatile ˌstock [countable, uncountable] FINANCE
stock that moves up and down in value quickly and by large amounts:

• Their volatile stock peaked at $46.50 in July and traded at $5 in December.

ˈvoting ˌstock [uncountable] FINANCE
stock in a company that gives the person who owns it the right to vote at the company's general meeting:

• The offer must be accepted by shareholders representing at least 90% of the Volvo's voting stock.

ˈwatered ˌstock [countable, uncountable] FINANCE
stock offered to investors by a company at much higher prices than they are actually worth
when-ˈissued ˌstock [countable, uncountable] FINANCE
stock that is being traded before it has been officially Issued (= made available):

• The company rolled out two new when-issued stocks that provide shareholders with a choice of investing in either its steel operations or its oil operations.

ˌwidow-and-ˈorphan ˌstock [countable, uncountable] FINANCE
stock that is a very safe investment:

• Investments in regional brokerages are not widow and orphan stocks. They are volatile.

3. [countable, uncountable] also government stock FINANCE one of the bonds sold by a government to finance its budget deficit (= the difference between what it gets in taxes and what it spends). Government bonds are usually considered to be a very safe form of investment; = GOVERNMENT SECURITY
ˈgilt ˌstocks also ˈgilt-edged ˌstocks [plural] FINANCE
bonds sold by the British government to raise money; = GILTS:

• The Bank of England signalled that there would be no drop in UK interest rates, and longer-dated gilt-edged stocks gained as much as £1.

irreˈdeemable ˌstock also unˈdated ˌstock [countable, uncountable] FINANCE
government bonds with no maturity date (= date when they will be bought back from lenders by the government):

• These government stocks with no final maturity are a historical survival and no new irredeemable stocks have been issued for many years.

ˌlocal auˈthority ˌstock [countable, uncountable] FINANCE
bonds sold by local government authorities; = munis AmE:

• Local authority stocks provide long-term funding.

ˈtap ˌstock [countable, uncountable] FINANCE
British government stock that is not sold immediately it is Issued (= made available). It is sold over a period of time when the government needs to or is able to:

• The Bank took advantage of rising bond prices to sell what was left of its tap stocks.

ˈTreasury ˌstock [countable, uncountable] FINANCE
one of the names used by the British government for its stock:

• If 5% Treasury stock, originally priced at £100, can be bought on the market at £50, the buyer receives £5 a year from the government.

4. [countable, uncountable] also stocks COMMERCE a supply of a commodity (= oil, metal, farm product etc) that has been produced and is kept to be used when needed:

Global stocks (= total stocks in the world ) of cocoa amount to 2 million tons, the equivalent of about eight months' usage.

ˈbuffer ˌstock [countable, uncountable] ECONOMICS
a stock of a commodity (= oil, metal, farm product etc) that is used to control the level of its supply in order to influence prices:

• The government approved the establishment of a sugar buffer stock to stabilise sugar prices.

5. [countable, uncountable] especially BrE MANUFACTURING a supply of raw material S (= materials for use in manufacturing) or parts before they are used in production, or a supply of finished goods; = inventory:

• If you are going to have a large stock of components you must store them sensibly.

• When an unexpected rise in demand occurs, it can be met partly by producing more and partly by running down (= reducing by using ) stocks of finished goods.

6. [countable, uncountable] COMMERCE a supply of goods, kept for sale by a shop or other retailer:

• Equipment importers had big stocks of last year's skis and boots still on their hands.

• Most children's bookshops will always have these titles in stock.

• A problem with production meant that all the shops were out of stock (= had none of something left ) .

• Distribution control has cut out two layers from the chain, giving greater control of retail stock levels (= quantities in stock ) .

ˈaverage ˌstock [countable, uncountable]
ACCOUNTING the average value of stock during a financial year, calculated by adding together the values of the stock at the beginning and end of the year and dividing by two
ˈclosing ˌstock [countable, uncountable] ACCOUNTING
the amount in stock at the end of a particular period of time:

• The cost of the goods sold is often calculated by taking the opening stock plus purchases less closing stock.

ˈdead ˌstock [countable, uncountable] COMMERCE
a stock of something that is not selling very well or at all, and which is not profitable to keep
ˈopening ˌstock [countable, uncountable] ACCOUNTING
the amount of goods that are in stock at the beginning of a particular period of time:

• Opening stocks of coffee were 32.9 million bags.

ˈsafety ˌstock [uncountable] COMMERCE
a small extra supply of goods that a company always tries to have available, in case the demand for the goods is more than expected, or there is a delay in delivering them:

• Safety stock provides an additional buffer for excess demand.

7. [countable, uncountable] PROPERTY the houses, flats etc available in a particular place:

• The list of discounts offered by housebuilders gets longer as the stock of unsold new homes rises.

• Another aspect of housing which merits attention is the condition of the older housing stock.

8. [countable, uncountable] ECONOMICS an amount of gold, money etc that a country, company etc has available at a particular time:

• The US gold stock was down $1 million in November to $11.06 billion.

• By making goods scarce, high tax policies render the existing stock of money more inflationary.

ˈcapital ˌstock [countable, uncountable] ECONOMICS
the amount of money invested by a country, company etc at any one time:

• Between 1955 and 1970 the capital stock in US manufacturing rose by 74%.

ˈmoney ˌstock [uncountable] ECONOMICS
the amount of money in an economy at a particular time; = MONEY SUPPLY:

• Money-supply growth was exceptionally slow and the real money stock actually declined.

9. FARMING [uncountable] farm animals, especially cattle; = LIVESTOCK:

• He invested in stock, building up a herd of 1000 cattle.

— see also rolling stock
  [m0] II. stock stock 2 verb [transitive] COMMERCE
1. if a shop stocks a particular product, it keeps a supply of it to be sold:

• Independent boutiques that sell expensive clothes are stocking less merchandise as their sales drop.

2. to have a supply of something so that it is ready to be used:

• The parts depot in California is well-stocked (= has lots of parts in stock ) .

— see also overstock
stock up phrasal verb [intransitive]
to buy a lot of something to use when you want to:
stock up on

• Wholesalers had been stocking up on juice before cash prices rose.

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   1) The amount of money employed by a company in its work-in-progress, in raw materials and in finished goods. Also known as inventory.
   2) A stock represents part ownership of a company and the right to receive a share in the profits of that company. Also called a share.

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stock UK US /stɒk/ noun
[U] COMMERCE the total amount of goods that a store or business has for sale: »

They've got warehouses full of stock.

be in stock »

If an item is in stock, it can be supplied the next day.

have/keep sth in stock »

We can't keep enough high-end products in stock.

be out of stock »

If any part of your order is out of stock, we will notify you.


Most supermarkets don't have much back-room space to keep a lot of stock.

[C or U] PRODUCTION, COMMERCE, ACCOUNTING goods that a company owns, such as parts, materials, or finished products: »

Companies will have to run down stocks before production can really pick up again.


We have reduced stock levels to reflect lower expectations of demand.


Firms should start preparing in January by deciding how much stock they'll need.

[C or U] PRODUCTION a supply of goods or materials: »

Oklahoma provide up to 50% of the corn stock needed.


There is a shortage of housing stock.


Coffee prices rose ahead of an expected drop in stocks of beans.


World fish stocks are dangerously low.

[C or U] (WRITTEN ABBREVIATION stk.) STOCK MARKET, FINANCE part of the ownership of a company that people have as an investment in the form of shares: »

In November, the company's stock hit $2 a share.

stock rises/falls »

The stock fell 15.5p below the flotation price.

invest in/buy/hold stock »

The plan would allow shareholders to buy stock at a 50% discount.


James cashed in his stocks and shares.


He received $1.9 million in stock.


She purchased three 1,000-share blocks of the stock.

[C or U] ( also government stock) FINANCE, GOVERNMENT a type of low-risk investment sold by the government that produces a fixed rate of interest: »

Dealers reported a flow of funds out of equities into government stock.


Her portfolio of shares and government stocks grew in value.

See also ACTIVE STOCK(Cf. ↑active stock), ADVANCING SHARE(Cf. ↑advancing share), ALL-STOCK(Cf. ↑all-stock), AUTHORIZED STOCK(Cf. ↑authorized stock), AVERAGE STOCK(Cf. ↑average stock), BAROMETER STOCK(Cf. ↑barometer stock), BEARER STOCK(Cf. ↑bearer stock), BIG BOARD STOCK(Cf. ↑Big Board stock), BONUS STOCK(Cf. ↑bonus stock), BUFFER STOCK(Cf. ↑buffer stock), BUILD-TO-STOCK(Cf. ↑build-to-stock), CAPITAL STOCK(Cf. ↑capital stock), CLOSING STOCK(Cf. ↑closing stock), COMMON STOCK(Cf. ↑common stock), CONSOLIDATED STOCK(Cf. ↑Consolidated Stock), CONVERTIBLE LOAN STOCK(Cf. ↑convertible loan stock), CONVERTIBLE STOCK(Cf. ↑convertible stock), CYCLICAL STOCK(Cf. ↑cyclical stock), DEAD STOCK(Cf. ↑dead stock), DEBENTURE STOCK(Cf. ↑debenture stock), EXCHEQUER STOCK(Cf. ↑Exchequer stock), EX STOCK(Cf. ↑ex stock), GILT STOCKS(Cf. ↑gilt stocks), GLAMOUR STOCK(Cf. ↑glamour stock), GROWTH STOCK(Cf. ↑growth stock), HOUSING STOCK(Cf. ↑housing stock), INCOME STOCK(Cf. ↑income stock), IRREDEEMABLE STOCK(Cf. ↑irredeemable stock), LISTED STOCK(Cf. ↑listed stock), LOAN STOCK(Cf. ↑loan stock), MAKE-TO-STOCK(Cf. ↑make-to-stock), NEW STOCK(Cf. ↑new stock), OPENING STOCK(Cf. ↑opening stock), ORDINARY STOCK(Cf. ↑ordinary stock), PARTICIPATING PREFERRED STOCK(Cf. ↑participating preferred stock), PARTLY-PAID STOCK(Cf. ↑partly-paid stock), PENNY STOCK(Cf. ↑penny stock), PREFERRED STOCK(Cf. ↑preferred stock), QUOTED STOCK(Cf. ↑quoted stock), REDEEMABLE STOCK(Cf. ↑redeemable stock), REGISTERED STOCK(Cf. ↑registered stock), ROLLING STOCK(Cf. ↑rolling stock), SAFETY STOCK(Cf. ↑safety stock), SLEEPER STOCK(Cf. ↑sleeper stock), SMALL STOCK(Cf. ↑small stock), SPLIT STOCK(Cf. ↑split stock), TAP STOCK(Cf. ↑tap stock), TRACKING STOCK(Cf. ↑tracking stock), TRADING STOCK(Cf. ↑trading stock), TREASURY STOCK(Cf. ↑treasury stock), VALUE STOCK(Cf. ↑value stock), WATERED STOCK(Cf. ↑watered stock), WHEN-ISSUED STOCK(Cf. ↑when-issued stock), WIDOW-AND-ORPHAN STOCK(Cf. ↑widow-and-orphan stock)
See Note SHARE(Cf. ↑share)
stock UK US /stɒk/ verb [T] COMMERCE
to keep a supply of a particular type of goods for sale: »

Stores can't stock every size and cut and color.


He decides which movies will be stocked at the chain's 650 stores.

to provide a supply of something to a store or company: »

There's so much demand that I can't keep the store stocked.

be well stocked (with sth) »

Manufacturers are well stocked with cheap coffee bought in advance of the quotas.

Financial and business terms. 2012.