
A document that describes the details and financial support for a new bond or stock issue offering. A prospectus is required by the Securities and Exchange Commission. American Banker Glossary
Formal written document to sell securities that describes the plan for a proposed business enterprise, or the facts concerning an existing one, that an investor needs to make an informed decision. Prospectuses are used by mutual funds to describe fund objectives, risks, and other essential information. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary
A document prepared by a company which is issuing securities to the public. Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein financial glossary
A document giving the details that a company is required to make public, to support a new issue of shares. Exchange Handbook Glossary
A document which has to be published by a company wanting to issue shares to the public in compliance with the rules and regulations of the Stock Exchange. It provides information on the company's business, its history, financial structure and future prospects. Financial Services Glossary
When a company applies for a listing of its securities which are to be offered to the public in the UK, a prospectus is required in accordance with the UKLA's Listing Rules, detailing information on the company, its accounts, directors and its securities. London Stock Exchange Glossary
Document informing investors about an offering of securities by a listed company ( IPO, capital increase, etc.) or a collective investment scheme. Investment scheme prospectuses, which are given to investors before they subscribe, provide detailed information about the risks to which the scheme is exposed. They also contain additional information about the terms and conditions of the product and the way it operates. It is important to read the prospectus carefully in order to analyse the proposed investment. NYSE Euronext Glossary

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prospectus pro‧spec‧tus [prəˈspektəs] noun [countable]
1. FINANCE a document produced by a company when inviting the public to buy its shares. By law, the company must include certain information in a prospectus, such as how the money is going to be used, what the chances of future success are etc:

• The full prospectus for the share sale will be out next Thursday.

ˈpathfinder proˌspectus FINANCE
a document produced by a company when it is inviting the public to buy its shares for the first time. It provides people who may want to buy the shares with information about the company, but does not give the price of the shares:

• The company has today published the pathfinder prospectus in connection with its forthcoming listing by way of placing on the London Stock Exchange.

2. a small book that advertises a school, college, new business etc:

• Each year the college publishes a postgraduate prospectus which contains details of the degree courses offered.

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   A document produced by the issuing company, which provides detailed terms and conditions of a new stock or debt offering.

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prospectus UK US /prəˈspektəs/ noun [C]
FINANCE, STOCK MARKET a legal document offering a company's shares for sale, and giving details about the company and its activities: »

An investor should carefully read the fund's prospectus before buying shares in an exchange.

a small book giving details of a school or college, or of a new business or project: »

You can read all about the different courses in the university prospectus.


a company prospectus

See also PATHFINDER PROSPECTUS(Cf. ↑pathfinder prospectus)

Financial and business terms. 2012.