
cooling-off period
The period of time between the filing of a preliminary prospectus with the Securities and Exchange Commission and the actual public offering of the securities. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary
The length of time during which a customer can choose whether or not to proceed with a particular investment decision. Of particular relevance to the unsolicited calls made with respect to callable services where there is a seven day cooling off period. Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein financial glossary

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cooling-off period cooling-off period period

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cooling-off period UK US noun [C]
COMMERCE a period of time during which you can change your mind about an agreement that you have made or something that you have decided to buy: »

Once you have bought an annuity, you cannot change your mind after the 14-day cooling-off period.

HR, WORKPLACE a period of time in which two groups who are arguing, for example employers and employees, can try to improve the situation before taking further action such as going on strike: »

By law, the mediation board must declare a 30-day cooling-off period.

Financial and business terms. 2012.