
Greater Israel
   The concept of Israel's retaining permanently all of Eretz Israel, including the territories occupied in the Six-Day War (1967) as well as parts of historic Palestine "promised" to the Zionists in the Balfour Declaration and the League of Nations mandate for Palestine. Inherited from the Revisionists of Vladimir Ze'ev Jabotinsky, it was the bedrock of Likud ideology for many years. However, the Greater Israel concept also found expression among veteran Mapai activists as well as among Tehiya and other right-wing movements that were opposed to the territorial concessions made in the Camp David Accords with Egypt and the concessions in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, made by both Likud- and Labor-led governments in negotiations with the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Palestinian Authority ensuing from the Oslo Accords and the Roadmap.

Historical Dictionary of Israel. .