
I verb avert, baffle, bar, be obstructive, block, check, counter, counteract, countercheck, curb, defeat, delay, detain, eludere, estop, foil, forefend, forestall, frustrari, frustrate, give trouble, halt, hamper, hinder, hold in check, hold back, impede, impedite, interlope, interrupt, keep in check, nullify, obstruct, obturate, obviate, occlude, prevent, put in check, restrain, stall, stand in the way, stay, stop, stop short, stultify, stymie, suspend, thwart, traverse II index bar (obstruction), contravene, disadvantage, discontinue (break continuity), disoblige, foil, frustrate, halt, hamper, hesitate, hold out (resist), interrupt, obstacle, obstruction, oppose, prevent, refuse, stem (check), stifle, thwart

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006