
I verb arrest, balk, barge in, break, break in, butt in, cause to cease, cause to delay, cease, check, chime in, clog, come between, cut, delay, desist, disconnect, discontinue, disjoin, dissever, dissolve, distract, disturb, disunite, divide, foil, frustrate, get in the way, hinder, inhibit, intercept, interfere, intermit, intermittere, interpellare, interpose, intrude, leave off, meddle, obstruct, punctuate, put a stop to, put an end to, retard, separate, sever, stop, sunder, suspend, thwart associated concepts: interrupt a separation, interrupt possession II index arrest (stop), balk, cease, check (restrain), close (terminate), condemn (ban), continue (adjourn), cross (intersect), defer (put off), desist, discontinue (break continuity), disorganize, disrupt, disturb, encumber (hinder), estop, halt, hamper, hinder, hold up (delay), impede, inhibit, interfere, interject, interpose, intervene, intrude, molest (annoy), obstruct, obtrude, occlude, pause, preclude, prevent, recess, stall, stay (halt), stem (check), stop, suspend, thwart, toll (stop), withstand

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