
I (register) verb assert, ballot, commit oneself, deposit formally, effect, establish, exercise one's choice, exercise ones options, give a vote, go to the polls, hold up one's hand, make a choice, make a decision, make a selection, make an entry, make one's choice, make one's selection, mark down, place on record, poll, put down, put on record, record, register one's vote, select, tabulate, vote associated concepts: votes cast II (throw) verb bestrew, catapult, conicere, disseminate, distribute, eject, emit, fling, force, hurl, iactare, impart, impel, launch, let off, mittere, project, propel, put into motion, radiate, send forth, send off, shed, spread, toss III index allocate, build (construct), characteristic, configuration (form), copy, discharge (dismiss), disposition (inclination), fabricate (construct), frame (formulate), inclination, launch (project), make, nuance, personnel, posture (attitude), predisposition, project (impel forward), send, stamp, style, tenor

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006