
I (initiate) verb activate, begin, embark, es lish, found, generate, handsel, inaugurate, induce, instit introduce, lay the foundations, make active, open, o nate, put in motion, set going, set in motion, start, take first step, take the lead, touch off, trigger, undertake II (project) verb cast, catapult, contorquere, eject, fling, heave, hurl, immittere, impel forward, jaculate, lance, pitch, precipitate, propel, push, send flying, send forth, send headlong, send off, set in motion, shoot, throw, thrust, toss III index cast (throw), cause, commence, create, discharge (shoot), embark, generate, impel, incite, initiate, inspire, instate, maintain (commence), originate, precipitate (throw down violently), preface, project (impel forward), send, undertake

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006