
1. A strongly basic substance yielding hydroxide ions (OH in solution); e.g., sodium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide. 2. SYN: base (3). 3. SYN: a. metal. [Ar., al, the, + qaliy, soda ash]
- caustic a. a highly ionized (in solution) a.; e.g., NaOH.
- fixed a. any a. other than a weakly ionized one, like ammonia.
- vegetable a. a mixture of potassium hydroxide and carbonate.

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al·ka·li 'al-kə-.lī n, pl -lies or -lis a substance (as a hydroxide or carbonate of an alkali metal) having marked basic properties compare BASE

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al·ka·li (alґkə-li) [Ar. al-qily potash] any of a class of compounds which form soluble soaps with fatty acids, turn red litmus blue, have pH values greater than 7.0, and form soluble carbonates. Essentially the hydroxides of cesium, lithium, potassium, rubidium, and sodium, they include also the carbonates of these metals and of ammonia.

Medical dictionary. 2011.