
1. Chemically exerting an effect resembling a burn. 2. An agent producing this effect. 3. Denoting a solution of a strong alkali; e.g., c. soda, NaOH. SYN: pyrotic (2). [G. kaustikos, fr. kaio, to burn]

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caus·tic 'kȯ-stik adj capable of destroying or eating away organic tissue and esp. animal tissue by chemical action <silver nitrate and sulfuric acid are \caustic agents>
caus·ti·cal·ly -sti-k(ə-)lē adv
caus·tic·i·ty kȯ-'stis-ət-ē n, pl -ties
caustic n a caustic agent: as
a) a substance that burns or destroys organic tissue by chemical action: ESCHAROTIC

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an agent, such as silver nitrate, that destroys tissue. Caustic agents may be used to remove dead skin, warts, etc., but care must be taken not to damage the surrounding area.

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caus·tic (kawsґtik) 1. corrosive. 2. having a burning taste.

Medical dictionary. 2011.