
A fluid-filled blister more than 5 mm (about 3/16 inch) in diameter with thin walls. A bulla on the skin is a blister. A bulla on the pleura (the membrane covering the lung) is also called a bleb. In Latin a bulla was a "bubble, stud or knob." It referred to any rounded protrusion, particularly one that was hollow or cystic.
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1. A fluid-filled blister greater than 100 cm in diameter appearing as a circumscribed area of separation of the epidermis from the subepidermal structure (subepidermal b.) or as a circumscribed area of separation of epidermal cells (intraepidermal b.) caused by the presence of serum, or occasionally by an injected substance. 2. [NA] A bubblelike structure. [L. bubble]
- ethmoidal b. [TA] a bulging of the inner wall of the ethmoidal labyrinth in the middle meatus of the nose, just below the middle nasal concha; it is regarded as a rudimentary concha. SYN: b. ethmoidalis [TA].
- b. ethmoidalis [TA] SYN: ethmoidal b..
- pulmonary b. air-filled emphysematous space larger than one centimeter, usually located in the lung periphery; can reach large diameter and cause symptoms by compression of normal lung tissue. Cf.:pulmonary bleb.

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bul·la 'bu̇l-ə n, pl bul·lae 'bu̇l-.ē, -.ī
1) a hollow thin-walled rounded bony prominence
2) a large vesicle or blister compare BLEB

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n. (pl. bullae)
1. a large blister, containing serous fluid.
2. (in anatomy) a rounded bony prominence.
3. a thin-walled air-filled space within the lung, arising congenitally or in emphysema. It may cause trouble by rupturing into the pleural space (see pneumothorax), by adding to the air that does not contribute to gas exchange, and/or by compressing the surrounding lung and making it inefficient.
bullous adj.

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bul·la (bulґə) pl. bulґlae [L.] 1. a large blister; called also bleb. 2. in anatomy, a rounded, projecting structure. bullate, bullous adj


Medical dictionary. 2011.