
SYN: base (1). [L. and G.]
- b. cartilaginis arytenoideae [TA] SYN: base of arytenoid cartilage.
- b. cerebri SYN: base of brain.
- b. cochleae [TA] SYN: base of cochlea.
- b. cordis [TA] SYN: base of heart.
- b. cranii [TA] SYN: cranial base.
- b. cranii externa [TA] SYN: external surface of cranial base.
- b. cranii interna [TA] SYN: internal surface of cranial base.
- b. mandibulae [TA] SYN: base of mandible.
- b. modioli cochleae [TA] SYN: base of modiolus of cochlea.
- b. ossis metacarpalis [TA] SYN: base of metacarpal.
- b. ossis metatarsalis [TA] SYN: base of metatarsal.
- b. ossis sacri [TA] SYN: base of sacrum.
- b. patellae [TA] SYN: base of patella.
- b. pedunculi [TA] the base of the midbrain consisting of the crus cerebri and substantia nigra. SEE ALSO: cerebral peduncle.
- b. phalangis SYN: base of phalanx.
- b. phalangis manus [TA] SYN: base of phalanx of hand.
- b. phalangis pedis [TA] SYN: base of phalanx of foot.
- b. pontis See basilar part of pons.
- b. prostatae [TA] SYN: base of prostate.
- b. pulmonis [TA] SYN: base of lung.
- b. pyramidis renis SYN: base of renal pyramid.
- b. stapedis [TA] SYN: base of stapes.
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Basel Antiarrhythmic Study of Infarct Survival

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ba·sis 'bā-səs n, pl ba·ses -.sēz
1) any of various anatomical parts that function as a foundation
2) BASE (2b)

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ba·sis (baґsis) pl. baґses [L., from Gr.] base: the lowest or fundamental part of a structure or organ, or the part opposite to or distinguished from the apex.

Medical dictionary. 2011.