
The mandible is the bone of the lower jaw. The joint where the mandible meets the upper jaw at the temporal bone is called the temporomandibular joint.
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A U-shaped bone (in superior view), forming the lower jaw, articulating by its upturned extremities with the temporal bone on either side. SYN: mandibula [TA], jaw bone, lower jaw, mandibulum, submaxilla.

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man·di·ble 'man-də-bəl n
1 a) JAW (1) esp JAW (1b)
b) the lower jaw with its investing soft parts
2) any of various invertebrate mouthparts serving to hold or bite food materials esp either member of the anterior pair of mouth appendages of an arthropod often forming strong biting jaws

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the lower jawbone. It consists of a horseshoe-shaped body, the upper surface of which bears the lower teeth (see alveolus), and two vertical parts (rami). Each ramus divides into a condyle and a coronoid process. The condyle articulates with the temporal bone of the cranium to form the temporomandibular joint (a hinge joint). See also maxilla, skull.
mandibular adj.

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man·di·ble (manґdĭ-bəl) mandibula.

Medical dictionary. 2011.