
1) A protective shell of plaster and bandage molded to protect a broken or fractured limb as it heals. 2) An abnormal mass of dead cells that forms in a body cavity.
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1. An object formed by the solidification of a liquid poured into a mold. 2. Rigid encasement of a part, as with plaster, plastic, or fiberglass, for purposes of immobilization. 3. An elongated or cylindrical mold formed in a tubular structure ( e.g., renal tubule, bronchiole) that may be observed in histologic sections or in material such as urine or sputum; results from inspissation of fluid material secreted or excreted in the tubular structures. 4. Restraint of a large animal, usually a horse, with ropes and harnesses in a recumbent position. 5. In dentistry, a positive reproduction of the form of the tissues of the upper or lower jaw, which is made by the solidification of plaster, metal, etc., poured into an impression, and over which denture bases or other dental restorations may be fabricated. [M.E. kasten, fr. O.Norse kasta]
- bacterial c. a c. in the urine composed of bacteria.
- blood c. a c. usually formed in renal tubules, but may occur in bronchioles; consists of inspissated material that includes various elements of blood ( i.e., erythrocytes, leukocytes, fibrin, and so on), resulting from bleeding into the glomerulus or tubule, or into the alveolus or bronchiole.
- coma c. a renal c. of strongly refracting granules said to be indicative of imminent coma in diabetes. SYN: Külz cylinder.
- decidual c. a mold of the interior of the uterus formed of the exfoliated mucous membrane in cases of extrauterine gestation.
- dental c. a positive likeness of a part or parts of the oral cavity.
- diagnostic c. a positive replica of the form of the teeth and tissues made from an impression.
- epithelial c. a c. that contains epithelial cells and their remnants; occurs most frequently in renal tubules and urine as a marker for renal tubular necrosis.
- false c. an elongated, ribbonlike mucous thread with poorly defined edges and pointed or split ends, often confused with a true urinary c.. SYN: cylindroid, mucous c., pseudocast, spurious c..
- fatty c. a renal or urinary c. consisting largely of fat globules; those containing doubly refractile bodies (composed of cholesterol) are found in the nephrotic syndrome.
- fibrinous c. a yellow c. that somewhat resembles a waxy c.; more likely to occur in the urine of certain patients with acute nephritis.
- granular c. a relatively dark, dense urinary c. of coarsely or finely particulate cellular debris and other proteinaceous material, frequently seen in chronic renal disease but also in the recovery phase of acute renal failure. SEE ALSO: waxy c..
- hair c. a c. composed of parakeratotic scales attached to scalp hair but freely movable up and down the hair shaft; found in scaling dermatitis of the scalp, including dandruff, psoriasis, and seborrheic dermatitis. SYN: pseudonit.
- halo c. a c. applied to the shoulders in which metal bars are set that extend over the head to a halo, from which traction may be applied to the head by means of tongs or a halter.
- hyaline c. a relatively transparent renal c. seen in the urine and composed of proteinaceous material derived from disintegration of cells; seen in patients with renal disease or transiently with exercise, fever, congestive heart failure, and diuretic therapy.
- investment c. SYN: refractory c..
- master c. a replica of the prepared tooth surfaces, residual ridge areas, and/or other parts of the dental arch as reproduced from an impression.
- mucous c. SYN: false c..
- red blood cell c. a urinary c. composed of a matrix containing red cells in various stages of degeneration and visibility, characteristic of glomerular disease or renal parenchymal bleeding. SYN: red cell c..
- red cell c. SYN: red blood cell c..
- refractory c. a c. made of material that will withstand the high temperatures of metal casting or soldering without disintegrating. SYN: investment c..
- renal c. any type of c. formed in a renal tubule, and found in the urine consisting of various materials, e.g., albumin, cells, blood. SYN: tube c..
- spica c. a c. of layers overlapping in a V pattern, covering two body parts greatly different in size, as the hip and waist, thumb and wrist, etc.
- spurious c. SYN: false c..
- tube c. SYN: renal c..
- urinary casts casts discharged in the urine.
- waxy c. a form of urinary c. consisting of homogeneous proteinaceous material that has a high refractive index, in contrast to the low refractive index of hyaline casts; waxy casts probably represent an advanced stage of the disintegrative process that results in coarsely and finely granular casts, and are usually indicative of advanced renal disease.
- white blood cell c. a urinary c. composed of polymorphonuclear leukocytes, characteristic of tubulointerstitial disease, especially pyelonephritis.
- white cell c. a c. in the urine composed of white blood cells.
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calpastatin; CAnonical representation of STereochemistry [coding]; Cardiac Arrhythmia Suppression Trial; Carotid Artery Stenting Trial; Children of Alcoholism Screening Test; Chinese Acute Stroke Trial; circumference paraxillary superficial tumescent liposuction; computer-adaptive sequential testing; cyclic amplification and selection of targets

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cast 'kast vt, cast; cast·ing
1) to give a shape to (a substance) by pouring in liquid or plastic form into a mold and letting harden without pressure
2) to form by casting
cast n
1) a slight strabismus
2 a) something that is formed by casting in a mold or form esp an impression taken from an object by using a liquid or plastic substance
b) a rigid casing (as of fiberglass or of gauze impregnated with plaster of paris) used for immobilizing a usu. diseased or broken part
3) a mass of plastic matter formed in cavities of diseased organs (as the kidneys) and discharged from the body

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1. a rigid casing for a limb or other part of the body, made of plastic or with open-woven bandage impregnated with plaster of Paris and applied while wet. A plaster cast is designed to protect a broken bone and prevent movement of the aligned bone ends until healing has progressed sufficiently.
2. a mass of dead cellular, fatty, and other material that forms within a body cavity and takes its shape. It may then be released and appear elsewhere. For example, granular cast appearing in the urine indicate kidney disease.

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(kast) 1. a solid reproduction of an enclosed space such as a hollow organ (e.g., a renal tubule or bronchiole), formed of effused proteinaceous matter and extruded from the body. 2. an accurate reproduction of an object or part, made of plastic that has taken form in an impression or mold. 3. to form an object in a mold. 4. a rigid dressing, molded to the body while pliable, and hardening as it dries, to give firm support. 5. a positive reproduction of all or part of the maxillary or mandibular arch, made from an impression. Called also model and dental c. 6. strabismus.

Medical dictionary. 2011.