
1. SYN: capsule (2). [L. dim. of capsa, a chest or box]
- c. adiposa perirenalis [TA]
- c. adiposa renis SYN: paranephric fat.
- c. articularis [TA] SYN: joint capsule.
- c. articularis cricoarytenoidea [TA] SYN: capsule of cricoarytenoid joint.
- c. articularis cricothyroidea [TA] SYN: capsule of cricothyroid joint.
- c. bulbi SYN: fascial sheath of eyeball.
- c. cordis SYN: pericardium.
- c. externa [TA] SYN: external capsule.
- c. extrema [TA] SYN: extreme capsule.
- c. fibrosa SYN: fibrous capsule.
- c. fibrosa glandulae thyroideae [TA] SYN: fibrous capsule of thyroid gland.
- c. fibrosa perivascularis SYN: fibrous capsule of liver (1).
- c. fibrosa renis [TA] SYN: fibrous capsule of kidney.
- c. glomeruli SYN: glomerular capsule.
- c. interna [TA] SYN: internal capsule.
- c. lentis [TA] SYN: capsule of lens.
- c. lienis [TA] SYN: fibrous capsule of spleen.
- c. vasculosa lentis in the embryo, the vascular mesenchymal capsule that invests the lens of the eye; the vessels of the deep part of the capsule are branches of the hyaloid artery; those of the superficial part are derived from the anterior ciliary arteries; normally all the vessels are atrophied by the end of the eighth month of intrauterine life.

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cap·su·la 'kap-sə-lə n, pl cap·su·lae -.lē, -.lī CAPSULE

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cap·su·la (kapґsu-lə) pl. capґsulae [L. “a small box”] capsule: a cartilaginous, fatty, fibrous, or membranous structure enveloping another structure, organ, or part.

Medical dictionary. 2011.