
Red coloring matter used as a histology stain produced from coccinellin derived from cochineal; treatment of coccinellin with alum forms an aluminum lake of carminic acid, the essential constituent of c.. [Mediev. L. carminus, contr. fr. carmisinus, fr. Ar. qirmize, the cochineal insect]
- lithium c. a vital stain for marophages.
- Schneider c. a stain consisting of a 10% solution of c. in 45% acetic acid, used for fresh chromosome preparations.

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car·mine 'kär-mən, -.mīn n a vivid red lake consisting essentially of an aluminum salt of carminic acid made from cochineal and used as a biological stain and as coloring in foods, drugs, and cosmetics also any of various coloring matters (as indigo carmine) other than carmine

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car·mine (kahrґmin) a red coloring matter derived from cochineal by the addition of alum and used as a histologic stain.

Medical dictionary. 2011.