
1. A small collection of fluid. SYN: lacus [TA]. 2. To cause blood plasma to become red as a result of the release of hemoglobin from the erythrocytes, as when the latter are suspended in water. SEE ALSO: lacuna. [A.S. lacu, fr. L. lacus, l.]
- capillary l. the total mass of blood contained in capillary vessels.
- lacrimal l. [TA] the small cisternlike area of the conjunctiva at the medial angle of the eye, in which the tears collect after bathing the anterior surface of the eyeball and the conjunctival sac. SYN: lacus lacrimalis [TA], lacrimal bay.
- lateral lakes SYN: lateral lacunae of superior sagittal sinus, under lacuna.
- seminal l. the vault of the vagina after insemination. SYN: lacus seminalis.
- subchorial l. SYN: subchorial space.
- venous lakes 1. blue-purple, thin-walled, dilated blood vessel s that blanch on pressure, found commonly in the ears and less often on the lips and on the face and neck of elderly sun-damaged men; 2. discontinuous venous cavities or channels; Cf.:marginal sinuses of placenta, under sinus. 3. in skull radiography, round to oval radiolucent foci in the frontal or parietal bones caused by dilated diploic venous channels.

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lake 'lāk vb, laked; lak·ing vt to cause (blood) to undergo a physiological change in which the hemoglobin becomes dissolved in the plasma vi of blood to undergo the process by which hemoglobin becomes dissolved in the plasma

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(lāk) [L. lacus] 1. to undergo separation of hemoglobin from the erythrocytes, a phenomenon sometimes occurring in blood. 2. a circumscribed collection of fluid in a hollow or depressed area.

Medical dictionary. 2011.