An alteration; in pathology, structural alteration of which the cause and significance is uncertain. SYN: shift.
- Armanni-Ebstein c. SYN: Armanni-Ebstein kidney.
- Crooke hyaline c. replacement of cytoplasmic granules of basophil cells of the anterior pituitary by homogeneous hyaline material; a characteristic finding in Cushing syndrome, but usually not present in the cells of a basophil adenoma. SYN: Crooke hyaline degeneration.
- reactive changes term in the Bethesda classification system for reporting cervical/vaginal cytologic diagnosis that refers to changes benign in nature, associated with inflammation (including typical repair), atrophy with inflammation, radiation, an intrauterine device, and other nonspecific causes. SEE ALSO: Bethesda system, AGUS, LSIL, HSIL.
- trophic changes changes resulting from interruption of nerve supply. SEE ALSO: neurotrophic atrophy.
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Chronic Heart Failure and Graded Exercise [study]
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(chānj) an alteration.Medical dictionary. 2011.