
SYN: commissure. [L. a joining together, seam, fr. com- mitto, to send together, combine]
- c. alba anterior [TA] SYN: white commissure.
- c. alba posterior [TA] SYN: white commissure.
- c. anterior [TA] SYN: anterior commissure.
- c. anterior grisea substantia intermedia centralis.
- c. bulborum [TA] SYN: commissure of bulbs.
- c. cinerea SYN: interthalamic adhesion.
- c. colliculorum inferiorum [TA] See commissure of inferior colliculus.
- c. colliculorum superiorum [TA] See commissure of superior colliculus.
- c. epithalamica SYN: c. posterior.
- c. fornicis [TA] the triangular subcallosal plate of commissural fibers resulting from the converging of the right and left fornix bundles which exchange numerous fibers and which curve back in the contralateral fornix to end in the hippocampus of the opposite side. SYN: commissure of fornix [TA], c. hippocampi, delta fornicis, hippocampal commissure, psalterium, transverse fornix.
- c. grisea posterior [TA] See gray commissure.
- c. grisea 1. SYN: interthalamic adhesion. 2. See substantia intermedia centralis.
- c. grisea anterior See gray commissure.
- c. habenularum [TA] the connection between the right and left habenular nuclei; the decussation of fibers of the two striae medullares, forming the dorsal portion of the peduncle of the pineal body. SYN: habenular commissure [TA], commissure of habenulae.
- c. hippocampi SYN: c. fornicis.
- c. labiorum [TA] SYN: commissure of lips.
- c. labiorum anterior [TA] SYN: anterior labial commissure.
- c. labiorum posterior [TA] SYN: posterior labial commissure.
- c. lateralis palpebrum [TA] SYN: lateral palpebral commissure.
- c. medialis palpebrum [TA] SYN: medial palpebral commissure.
- c. palpebrarum lateralis SYN: lateral palpebral commissure.
- c. palpebrarum medialis SYN: medial palpebral commissure.
- c. posterior [TA] a thin band of white matter, crossing from side to side beneath the habenula of the pineal body and over the aditus ad aqueductum cerebri; it is largely composed of fibers interconnecting the left and right pretectal region and related cell groups of the midbrain; dorsally, it marks the junction of the diencephalon and mesencephalon. SYN: c. epithalamica, posterior commissure.
- c. supraoptica dorsalis [TA] the commissural fibers that lie above and behind the optic chiasm. SYN: dorsal supraoptic commissure, Ganser commissure, Gudden commissure, Meynert commissure.
- c. ventralis alba SYN: white commissure.

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com·mis·su·ra .käm-ə-'shu̇r-ə n, pl -rae -.rē COMMISSURE

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com·mis·su·ra (kom″ĭ-suґrə) gen. and pl. commissuґrae [L. “a joining together”] [TA] commissure: a site of union of corresponding parts; a general term used to designate such a junction of corresponding anatomical structures, frequently, but not always, across the median plane of the body.

Medical dictionary. 2011.