
1. Situated above or directed upward. 2. [NA] In human anatomy, situated nearer the vertex of the head in relation to a specific reference point; opposite of inferior. SYN: cranial (2). [L. comparative of superus, above]

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su·pe·ri·or su̇-'pir-ē-ər adj
1) situated toward the head and further away from the feet than another and esp. another similar part of an upright body esp. of a human being <the \superior medial edge of the patient's right scapula (J. M. Lewis)> compare INFERIOR (1)
2) situated in a more anterior or dorsal position in the body of a quadruped compare INFERIOR (2)

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(in anatomy) situated uppermost in the body in relation to another structure or surface.

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su·pe·ri·or (soo-pērґe-ər) [L. “upper”; neut. superius] situated above, or directed upward. [TA] a term used in reference to a structure occupying a position nearer the vertex.

Medical dictionary. 2011.