
A flowing together; a joining of two or more streams. SYN: confluens [TA]. [L. confluens]
- c. of sinuses [TA] a meeting place, at the internal occipital protuberance, of the superior sagittal, straight, occipital, drained by the two transverse sinuses of the dura mater. SYN: confluens sinuum [TA].

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a point of coalescence. The confluence of the sinuses is the meeting point of the superior sagittal, transverse, straight, and occipital venous sinuses in the dura mater in the occipital region of the skull.

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con·flu·ence (konґfloo-əns) [L. confluens running together] 1. a place of running together; the meeting of streams. 2. in embryology, the flowing of cells, a component process of gastrulation.

Medical dictionary. 2011.