
1. That which is contained within something else, usually in this sense in the plural form, contents. 2. In psychology, the form of a dream as presented to consciousness. 3. Ambiguous usage for concentration (3); e.g., blood hemoglobin c. could mean either its concentration or the product of its concentration and the blood volume. [L. contentus, fr. con- tineo, pp. -tentus, to hold together, contain]
- carbon dioxide c. the total carbon dioxide available from serum or plasma following addition of acid; measured routinely in hospital laboratories as a component of electrolyte profiles.
- GC c. the amount of guanine and cytosine in a polynucleic acid usually expressed in mole fraction (or percentage) of total bases; the melting temperature of such biopolymers varies with the GC c..
- latent c. the hidden, unconscious meaning of thoughts or actions, especially in dreams or fantasies.
- manifest c. those elements of fantasy and dreams which are consciously available and reportable.

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con·tent 'kän-.tent n
1) something contained usu. used in pl. <the stomach \contents>
2) the subject matter or symbolic significance of something see LATENT CONTENT, MANIFEST CONTENT
3) the amount of specified material contained <the sulfur \content of a sample>

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con·tent (konґtent) that which is contained within a thing.

Medical dictionary. 2011.