
An element forming a part of the whole. [L. com-pono, pp. -positus, to place together]
- anterior c. of force a force operating to move teeth anteriorly.
- c. of complement (C) any one of the nine distinct protein units designated C1 through C9. See complement. SEE ALSO: complement pathways.
- c. of force 1. one of the factors from which a resultant force may be compounded or into which it may be resolved; 2. one of the vectors into which a force may be resolved.
- components of mastication the various jaw movements that are made during the act of mastication, as determined by the neuromuscular system, the temporomandibular articulations, the teeth, and the food being chewed; divided, for purposes of analysis or description, into opening, closing, left lateral, right lateral, and anteroposterior components.
- components of occlusion the various factors involved in occlusion, such as the temporomandibular joint, the associated neuromusculature, the teeth, and the denture-supporting structures.
- plasma thromboplastin c. (PTC) SYN: factor IX.
- secretory c. a polypeptide chain found in external secretions ( e.g., tears, saliva, colostrum) associated with the immunoglobulins IgA and IgM. It also may occur in free form. The secretory piece is derived by proteolytic cleavage of the immunoglobulin receptor on epithelial cells.

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com·po·nent kəm-'pō-nənt, 'käm-., käm-' n a constituent part <the exocrine and endocrine \components of the pancreas>

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com·po·nent (kom-poґnənt) 1. a constituent element or part. 2. in neurology, a series of neurons forming a functional system for conducting the afferent and efferent impulses in the somatic and splanchnic (visceral) mechanisms of the body. 3. one part of a prosthesis system.

Medical dictionary. 2011.