
On the other side. The opposite of ipsilateral (the same side). For example, a stroke involving the right side of the brain may cause contralateral paralysis of the leg (that is, of the left leg).
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Relating to the opposite side, as when pain is felt or paralysis occurs on the side opposite to that of the lesion. SYN: heterolateral. [L. contra, opposite, + latus, side]
- c. partner the corresponding structure on the opposite side.

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con·tra·lat·er·al -'lat-ə-rəl, -'la-trəl adj occurring on, affecting, or acting in conjunction with a part on the opposite side of the body <the motor cortex controls \contralateral muscles> compare IPSILATERAL

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on or affecting the opposite side of the body: applied particularly to paralysis (or other symptoms) occurring on the opposite side of the body from the brain lesion that caused them.

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con·tra·lat·er·al (kon″trə-latґər-əl) [contra- + lateral] situated on, pertaining to, or affecting the opposite side, as opposed to ipsilateral.

Medical dictionary. 2011.