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On the same side, with reference to a given point, e.g., a dilated pupil on the same side as an extradural hematoma with contralateral limbs being paretic. SYN: homolateral. [L. ipse, same, + latus (later-), side]
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ip·si·lat·er·al .ip-si-'lat-ə-rəl, -'la-trəl adj situated or appearing on or affecting the same side of the body compare CONTRALATERAL
ip·si·lat·er·al·ly -ē adv
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on or affecting the same side of the body: applied particularly to paralysis (or other symptoms) occurring on the same side of the body as the brain lesion that caused them. Compare contralateral.
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ip·si·lat·er·al (ip″sĭ-latґər-əl) [ipsi- + lateral] situated on, pertaining to, or affecting the same side, as opposed to contralateral.Medical dictionary. 2011.