
1. A voluntary or involuntary feeling or emotion that accompanies a sense of separation from normal associations or environment. 2. Separation of a structure from its support.
- exudative retinal d. d. of the retina without retinal breaks, arising from inflammatory disease of choroid, retinal tumors, and retinal angiomatosis.
- retinal d., d. of retina loss of apposition between the sensory retina and the retinal pigment epithelium. SYN: detached retina, separation of retina.
- rhegmatogenous retinal d. retinal separation associated with a break, a hole, or a tear in the sensory retina.
- vitreous d. separation of the peripheral vitreous humor from the retina.

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de·tach·ment (de-tachґmənt) [Fr. dйtacher to unfasten; to separate] the condition of being unfastened, disconnected, or separated.

Medical dictionary. 2011.