
: The lower or inner layer of the two main layers of cells that make up the skin.
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A layer of skin composed of a superficial thin layer that interdigitates with the epidermis, the stratum papillare, and the stratum reticulare; it contains blood and lymphatic vessels, nerves and nerve endings, glands, and, except for glabrous skin, hair follicles. SYN: corium, cutis vera. [G. derma, skin]

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der·mis 'dər-məs n the sensitive vascular inner mesodermic layer of the skin called also corium, cutis, cutis vera, derma

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the true skin: the thick layer of living tissue that lies beneath the epidermis. It consists mainly of loose connective tissue within which are blood capillaries, lymph vessels, sensory nerve endings, sweat glands and their ducts, hair follicles, sebaceous glands, and smooth muscle fibres.
dermal adj.

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der·mis (durґmis) [Gr. derma skin, hide] [TA] the layer of the skin deep to the epidermis, consisting of a dense bed of vascular connective tissue; it is divided into a papillary layer (TA, stratum papillare) and a reticular layer (TA, stratum reticulare). Called also corium [TA alternative].

Medical dictionary. 2011.