
1. A condition characterized by multiple fibromas, with relatively widespread distribution. 2. Abnormal hyperplasia of fibrous tissue.
- abdominal f. SYN: desmoid (2).
- aggressive infantile f. a childhood counterpart of abdominal or extra-abdominal desmoid tumors, characterized by firm subcutaneous nodules that grow rapidly in any part of the body that invade locally and recur but do not metastasize.
- f. colli a fibrous mass in the midportion of the sternocleidomastoid muscle; the mass may be a hematoma resulting from a birth injury and may cause torticollis.
- congenital generalized f. [MIM*228550] multiple subcutaneous and visceral fibrous tumors present at birth; a rare disorder often fatal in the first week of life, although sometimes undergoing spontaneous remission; probable autosomal recessive inheritance.
- gingival f. f. that may be associated with trichodiscomas. Several genetic forms are known, all autosomal dominant [MIM*135300, *135400, *135500, *135550].
- infantile digital f. SYN: recurring digital fibroma of childhood.
- juvenile hyalin f. [MIM*228600] a rare recessively inherited deforming disorder of head, neck, and generalized cutaneous nodules or tumors in children with normal mentality; the lesions consist of fibroblasts separated by an eosinophilic hyalin stroma composed mostly of glycosaminoglycans. SYN: systemic hyalinosis.
- juvenile palmo-plantar f. f. that occurs in children from birth to adolescence as a single poorly demarcated nodule of the thenar or hypothenar eminence or overlying the calcaneus of the mid-sole.
- palmar f. nodular fibroplastic proliferation in the palmar fascia of one or both hands, preceding or associated with Dupuytren contracture.
- penile f. SYN: Peyronie disease.
- plantar f. nodular fibroblastic proliferation in plantar fascia of one or both feet; rarely associated with contracture. SYN: Dupuytren disease of the foot.

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fi·bro·ma·to·sis (.)fī-.brō-mə-'tō-səs n, pl -to·ses -.sēz a condition marked by the presence of or a tendency to develop multiple fibromas

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fi·bro·ma·to·sis (fi-bro″mə-toґsis) pl. fibromatoses. 1. a condition characterized by the formation of multiple fibromas. 2. the formation of a fibrous, tumorlike nodule arising from the deep fascia with a tendency to local recurrence, such as in a desmoid tumor.

Medical dictionary. 2011.