
SYN: glycerol.
- g. jelly SYN: glycerinated gelatin.

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glyc·er·in or glyc·er·ine 'glis-(ə-)rən n GLYCEROL

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a clear viscous liquid obtained by hydrolysis of fats and mixed oils and produced as a by-product in the manufacture of soap. It is used as an emollient in many skin preparations, as a laxative (particularly in the form of suppository), and as a sweetening agent in the pharmaceutical industry.

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glyc·er·in (glisґər-in) [L. glycerinum] [USP] a clear, colorless, syrupy liquid, C3H8O3; administered rectally as a laxative, orally as a diuretic to reduce intraocular pressure, and orally as a demulcent in cough preparations. It is also used as a solvent, humectant, and vehicle in various pharmaceutical preparations. See also glycerol.

Medical dictionary. 2011.