
1. A semisolid tremulous compound usually containing some form of gelatin in aqueous solution. 2. SYN: jellyfish. [L. gelo, to freeze]
- box j. SYN: Chiropsalmus quadrumanus.
- cardiac j. term introduced by C.L. Davis for the gelatinous, noncellular material between the endothelial lining and the myocardial layer of the heart in very young embryos; later in development it serves as a substratum for cardiac mesenchyme.
- interlaminar j. term introduced by B.M. Patten for the gelatinous material between ectoderm and endoderm that serves as the substrate on which mesenchymal cells migrate.
- Wharton j. the mucous connective tissue of the umbilical cord.

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jel·ly 'jel-ē n, pl jellies
1) a soft somewhat elastic food product made usu. with gelatin or pectin esp a fruit product made by boiling sugar and the juice of fruit
2) a substance resembling jelly in consistency: as
a) a transparent elastic gel
b) a semisolid medicated or cosmetic preparation often having a gum base and usu. intended for local application <ephedrine \jelly>
c) a jellylike preparation used in electrocardiography to obtain better conduction of electricity <electrode \jelly>

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jel·ly (jelґe) [L. gelatina] a soft substance that is coherent, tremulous, and more or less translucent; generally, a colloidal semisolid mass.

Medical dictionary. 2011.