
1. Resembling in structure one of the tissues of the body. 2. Sometimes used with reference to the histologic structure of a neoplasm derived from and consisting of a single, relatively simple type of neoplastic tissue that closely resembles the normal, as in certain fibromas and leiomyomas. SYN: histioid. [histo- + G. eidos, resemblance]

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his·toid 'his-.tȯid adj
1) resembling the normal tissues <\histoid tumors>
2) developed from or consisting of but one tissue

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1. resembling normal tissue.
2. composed of one type of tissue.

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his·toid (hisґtoid) [hist- + -oid] 1. weblike. 2. developed from but one kind of tissue. 3. like one of the tissues of the body.

Medical dictionary. 2011.