Diminished sense of smell. It may be: 1) general to all odorants, partial to some odorants, or specific to one or more odorants; 2) due to transport disorders (in nasal obstruction) or to sensorineural disorders (affecting the olfactory neuroepithelium or the central olfactory neural pathways); and 3) hereditary or acquired. SYN: olfactory hypesthesia. [hypo- + G. osme, smell]
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hy·pos·mia hī-'päz-mē-ə, hip-'äz- n impairment of the sense of smell
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hy·pos·mia (hi-pozґme-ə) [hypo- + osm-1 + -ia] a parosmia involving diminished sensitivity of smell; called also olfactory hypoesthesia.Medical dictionary. 2011.