
A change in the value of a variable; usually an increase, with “decrement” applied to a decrease, though “i.” can also correctly be applied to both. [L. incrementum, increase]

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in·cre·ment 'iŋ-krə-mənt, 'in- n
1 a) something gained or added <the most common form of leukocytosis is that in which the \increment is in the neutrophilic leukocytes (W. A. D. Anderson)>
b) one of a series of regular consecutive additions (as of growth or spread of disease)
2) the amount or degree by which something changes esp the amount of positive or negative change in the value of one or more of a set of variables
in·cre·men·tal .iŋ-krə-'ment-əl, .in- adj
in·cre·men·tal·ly -əl-ē adv

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in·cre·ment (inґkrə-mənt) [L. incrementum] addition, or increase; the amount by which a given quantity or value is increased.

Medical dictionary. 2011.