
1. The enveloping membrane of the body; includes, in addition to the epidermis and dermis, all of the derivatives of the epidermis, e.g., hairs, nails, sudoriferous and sebaceous glands, and mammary glands. 2. The rind, capsule, or covering of any body or part. SYN: tegument (2). SYN: integumentum commune [TA], integumentary system, tegument (1). [L. integumentum, a covering, fr. intego, to cover]

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in·teg·u·ment in-'teg-yə-mənt n an enveloping layer (as a skin, membrane, or husk) of an organism or one of its parts
in·teg·u·men·ta·ry -'ment-ə-rē, -'men-trē adj

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1. the skin.
2. a membrane or layer of tissue covering any organ of the body.

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in·teg·u·ment (in-tegґu-mənt) [L. integumentum] 1. a covering or investment. 2. integumentum commune.

Medical dictionary. 2011.