
1. A surface that forms a common boundary of two bodies. 2. The boundary between regions of different radiopacity, acoustic, or magnetic resonance properties; the projection of the i. between tissues of different such properties on an image.
- crystalline i. in dentistry, a boundary between adjacent crystals.
- dermoepidermal i. the line of meeting of the dermis and epidermis.
- metal i. in dentistry, a boundary between metal and nonsolvent solder, or between metal and surface oxide.
- structural i. in dentistry, a boundary between tooth and restorative material.

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in·ter·face 'int-ər-.fās n a surface forming a common boundary of two bodies, spaces, or phases <\interfaces between various tissues such as skin, fatty tissue, and muscle (H. P. Schwan)>
interface vt, -faced; -fac·ing
in·ter·fa·cial .int-ər-'fā-shəl adj

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in·ter·face (inґtər-fās″) in chemistry, the surface of separation or boundary between two phases of a heterogeneous system. interfacial adj

Medical dictionary. 2011.