
In anatomy, any isolated part, separated from the surrounding tissues by a groove, or marked by a difference in structure. SYN: insula (2) [TA]. [A.S. igland]
- blood i. an aggregation of splanchnic mesodermal cells on the embryonic yolk sac, with the potentiality of forming vascular endothelium and primitive blood cells. SYN: blood islet.
- bone i. a macroscopic focus of cortical bone within medullary bone, commonly seen as a dense round or oval opacity on radiographs of the pelvis, femoral head, humerus, or ribs.
- islands of Calleja dense clusters of very small nerve cells (granule cells) characteristic of the olfactory tubercle at the base of the forebrain.
- epimyoepithelial islands (ep′e-mi-o-ep′e-the′li-al) proliferation of salivary gland ductal epithelium and myoepithelium. Characteristic of benign lymphoepithelial lesions and Sjögren syndrome.
- Langerhans islands SYN: islets of Langerhans, under islet.
- pancreatic islands SYN: islets of Langerhans, under islet.
- i. of Reil SYN: insula (1).
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Infant Size Limitation: Acute N-Acetylcysteine Defense [trial]

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is·land 'ī-lənd n an isolated anatomical structure, tissue, or group of cells

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(in anatomy) an area of tissue or group of cells clearly differentiated from surrounding tissues.

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is·land (iґlənd) 1. something isolated or surrounded. 2. a cluster of cells or an isolated piece of tissue. See also islet.

Medical dictionary. 2011.