
1. An aggregation of mesenchymal or fibroblastlike cells. 2. Primordial embryonic connective tissue consisting of mesenchymal cells, usually stellate in form, supported in interlaminar jelly. SYN: mesenchyma. [mes- + G. enkyma, infusion]
- interzonal m. an area of avascular m. between adjacent skeletal elements in the embryo; it denotes the region of future joints.
- synovial m. vascular m. surrounding the interzonal m.; it develops into the synovial membrane of a joint.

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mes·en·chyme 'mez-ən-.kīm, 'mēz-, 'mēs-, 'mes- n loosely organized undifferentiated mesodermal cells that give rise to such structures as connective tissues, blood, lymphatics, bone, and cartilage see MESECTODERM

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the undifferentiated tissue of the early embryo that forms almost entirely from mesoderm. It is loosely organized and the individual cells migrate to different parts of the body where they form most of the skeletal and connective tissue, the blood and blood system, and the visceral (smooth) muscles.

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mes·en·chyme (mezґəng-kīm″) [mes- + Gr. enchyma infusion] the meshwork of loosely organized embryonic connective tissue in the mesoderm from which are formed the connective tissues of the body, and also the blood vessels and lymphatic vessels. mesenchymal adj

Medical dictionary. 2011.