
Inflammation of the conjunctiva and of the cornea.
- atopic k. a chronic papillary inflammation, of the conjunctiva showing Trantas dots in a patient with a history of atopy.
- epidemic k. follicular conjunctivitis followed by subepithelial corneal infiltrates; often caused by adenovirus type 8, less commonly by other types. SYN: virus k..
- flash k. SYN: ultraviolet k..
- herpetic k. SYN: herpetic keratitis.
- microsporidian k. a form of k. often associated with immunosuppressed persons, such as those suffering from AIDS.
- k. sicca k. associated with decreased tears. SEE ALSO: Sjögren syndrome. SYN: dry eye syndrome, keratitis sicca.
- superior limbic k. inflammatory edema of the superior corneoscleral limbus.
- ultraviolet k. acute k. resulting from exposure to intense ultraviolet irradiation. SYN: actinic conjunctivitis, arc-flash conjunctivitis, flash k., ophthalmia nivalis, snow conjunctivitis, welder's conjunctivitis.
- vernal k. SYN: vernal conjunctivitis.
- virus k. SYN: epidemic k..

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ker·a·to·con·junc·ti·vi·tis 'ker-ə-(.)tō-kən-.jəŋ(k)-tə-'vīt-əs n combined inflammation of the cornea and conjunctiva esp EPIDEMIC KERATOCONJUNCTIVITIS compare KERATITIS

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combined inflammation of the cornea and conjunctiva of the eye. Keratoconjunctivitis sicca is dryness of the cornea and conjunctiva due to deficiency production of tears. It may be associated with systemic disorders, such as Sjögren's syndrome, systemic lupus, systemic sclerosis, and sarcoidosis.

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ker·a·to·con·junc·ti·vi·tis (ker″ə-to-kən-junk″tĭ-viґtis) [kerato- + conjunctivitis] inflammation of the cornea and conjunctiva.

Medical dictionary. 2011.