
A pharmacopeial preparation consisting of a solution in water of the mucilaginous principles of vegetable substances; used as a soothing application to the mucous membranes and in the preparation of official and extemporaneous mixtures. [L. mucilago]

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mu·ci·lage 'myü-s(ə-)lij n
1) a gelatinous substance of various plants (as legumes or seaweeds) that contains protein and polysaccharides and is similar to plant gums
2) an aqueous usu. viscid solution (as of a gum) used in pharmacy as an excipient and in medicine as a demulcent

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(in pharmacy) a thick aqueous solution of a gum used as a lubricant in skin preparations (see also glycerin), for the production of pills, and for the suspension of insoluble substances. The most important mucilages are of acacia, tragacanth, and starch.

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mu·ci·lage (muґsĭ-ləj) [L. mucilago] 1. an artificial viscid paste of gum or dextrin used in pharmacy as a vehicle or excipient, or in therapy as a demulcent. 2. a naturally formed viscid principle in a plant, consisting of a gum dissolved in the juices of the plant.

Medical dictionary. 2011.