
Blockage, clogging, or impeded flow, e.g., by occlusion or stenosis. [L. obstructio]
- closed loop o. o. of a segment of intestine either rotated on a fixed point (volvulus) or herniated through a fibrous opening (as under an adhesion or into a hernia); frequently associated with impaired perfusion ultimately resulting in gangrene.
- ureteropelvic junction o. an impediment to drainage of urine from kidney usually due to partial or intermittent blockage of renal collecting system at the junction of renal pelvis and ureter.
- ureterovesical o. o. of the lower ureter at its entrance into the bladder.

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ob·struc·tion əb-'strək-shən, äb- n
1 a) an act of obstructing
b) a condition of being clogged or blocked <intestinal \obstruction>
2) something that obstructs <dislodge an airway \obstruction>

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ob·struc·tion (ob-strukґshən) [L. obstructio] 1. the act of blocking or clogging. 2. the state or condition of being clogged. Cf. atresia. Called also blockage, closure, and occlusion.

Medical dictionary. 2011.