
1. The act of closing or the state of being closed. 2. In chemistry, the absorption of a gas by a metal or the inclusion of one substance within another (as in a gelatinous precipitate). 3. Any contact between the incising or masticating surfaces of the upper and lower teeth. 4. The relationship between the occlusal surfaces of the maxillary and mandibular teeth when they are in contact. [L. oc- cludo, pp. -clusus, to shut up, fr. ob., against, + claudo, to close]
- abnormal o. an arrangement of the teeth that is not considered to be within the normal range of variation.
- afunctional o. a malocclusion that does not permit normal function of the dentition.
- anterior o. 1. the o. of anterior teeth; 2. SYN: mesial o. (1).
- balanced o. the simultaneous contacting of the upper and lower teeth on the right and left and in the anterior and posterior occlusal areas in centric and eccentric positions within the functional range; used primarily in reference to the mouth, but also arranged and observed on articulators, developed to prevent a tipping or rotating of the denture bases in relation to the supporting structures. SYN: balanced articulation, balanced bite.
- bimaxillary protrusive o. an o. in which both the maxilla and mandible protrude, causing the long axes of the maxillary anterior teeth to be at an extremely acute angle to the mandibular teeth; may be secondary to a skeletal or dental deformity, or both; seen commonly in blacks.
- buccal o. 1. malposition of a tooth toward the cheek; 2. the o. as seen from the buccal side of the teeth.
- centric o. 1. the relation of opposing occlusal surfaces that provides the maximum planned contact and/or intercuspation; 2. the o. of the teeth when the mandible is in centric relation to the maxillae. SYN: centric contact.
- coronary o. blockage of a coronary vessel, usually by thrombosis or atheroma, often leading to myocardial infarction.
- distal o. 1. a tooth occluding in a position distal to normal; SYN: disto-o., postnormal o., retrusive o. (2). 2. SYN: distoclusion.
- eccentric o. any o. other than centric.
- edge-to-edge o. an o. in which the anterior teeth of both jaws meet along their incisal edges when the teeth are in centric o.. SYN: edge-to-edge bite, end- to-end bite, end- to-end o..
- end- to-end o. SYN: edge-to-edge o..
- functional o. 1. any tooth contacts made within the functional range of the opposing teeth surfaces; 2. o. that occurs during function.
- gliding o. SYN: dental articulation.
- hyperfunctional o. occlusal stress of tooth or teeth exceeding normal physiologic demands.
- labial o. 1. malposition of a tooth in a labial direction; 2. the o. as seen from the labial side of the arches.
- lateral o. malposition of a tooth or an entire dental arch in a direction away from the midline.
- lingual o. 1. SYN: linguoclusion. 2. interdigitation of the teeth as seen from the internal or lingual aspect.
- mechanically balanced o. a balanced o. without reference to physiologic considerations, as on an articulator.
- mesenteric artery o. obstruction of arterial flow in the mesenteric circulation by an embolus or thrombus; usually refers to o. of the superior mesenteric artery, although atherosclerotic narrowing may involve all three major splanchnic branches (celiac, superior, and inferior mesenteric).
- mesial o. 1. o. in which the mandibular teeth articulate with the maxillary teeth in a position anterior to normal; SYN: anterior o. (2), mesio- o.. 2. SYN: mesioclusion.
- neutral o. 1. an arrangement of teeth such that the maxillary and mandibular first permanent molars are in normal anteroposterior relation; SYN: normal o. (2). 2. SYN: neutroclusion.
- normal o. 1. that arrangement of teeth and their supporting structure that is usually found in health and that approaches an ideal or standard arrangement; SYN: normal bite. 2. SYN: neutral o. (1).
- pathogenic o. an occlusal relationship capable of producing pathologic changes in the supporting tissues.
- physiologic o. o. in harmony with functions of the masticatory system.
- physiologically balanced o. a balanced o. that is in harmony with the temporomandibular joints and the neuromuscular system.
- posterior o. the most effective contact of the molar and bicuspid teeth of both jaws that allows for all the natural movements of the jaws essential to normal mastication and closure. SYN: posteroclusion.
- postnormal o. SYN: distal o. (1).
- protrusive o. o. that results when the mandible is protruded forward from centric position.
- o. of pupil the presence of an opaque membrane closing the pupillary area.
- retrusive o. 1. a biting relationship in which the mandible is forcefully or habitually placed more distally than the patient's centric o.; 2. SYN: distal o. (1).
- spherical form of o. an arrangement of teeth that places their occlusal surfaces on the surface of an imaginary sphere (usually 8 inches in diameter) with its center above the level of the teeth. SEE ALSO: Monson curve.
- torsive o. SYN: torsiversion.
- traumatic o. SYN: traumatogenic o..
- traumatogenic o. a malocclusion capable of producing injury to the teeth and/or associated structures. SYN: traumatic o..
- working o. SYN: working contacts, under contact.

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oc·clu·sion ə-'klü-zhən n
1) the act of occluding or the state of being occluded: a shutting off or obstruction of something <a coronary \occlusion> esp a blocking of the central passage of one reflex by the passage of another
2 a) the bringing of the opposing surfaces of the teeth of the two jaws into contact also the relation between the surfaces when in contact
b) the transient approximation of the edges of a natural opening <\occlusion of the eyelids>
3) SORPTION esp sorption of gases

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1. the closing or obstruction of a hollow organ or part.
2. (in dentistry) the relation of the upper and lower teeth when they are in contact. Maximum contact between the teeth is known as intercuspal (or centric) occlusion. See also malocclusion.

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oc·clu·sion (ə-klooґzhən) [L. occlusio] 1. obstruction. 2. the trapping of a liquid or gas within cavities in a solid or on its surface. 3. the relationship between the teeth as components of the masticatory system in normal function, dysfunction, and parafunction. See also bite and malocclusion. 4. momentary closure of part of the vocal tract, which produces a plosive.

Medical dictionary. 2011.