
The quantity produced, ejected, or excreted of a specific entity in a specified period of time or per unit time, e.g., urinary sodium o.; the opposite of intake or input.
- cardiac o. the amount of blood ejected by the heart in a unit of time ( i.e., the minute volume), usually expressed in liters per minute. SYN: minute o..
- maximum power o. the greatest sound resulting from amplification that the instrument can produce; an indication of hearing aid performance.
- minute o. SYN: cardiac o..
- pacemaker o. electrical energy delivered into a standard load (500 Ω resistance).
- stroke o. SYN: stroke volume.

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out·put 'au̇t-.pu̇t n the amount of energy or matter discharged usu. within a specified time by a bodily system or organ <renal \output> <urinary \output> see CARDIAC OUTPUT

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out·put (outґpoot″) the yield; the total of anything produced by any functional system of the body.

Medical dictionary. 2011.